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tv   Action News at 11PM  ABC  August 15, 2016 11:00pm-11:36pm EDT

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breaking news at 11:00, a pinellas counties teacher has died in a crash. >> next at 11:00. new at steak 'n shake! 24 meals under four dollars. with handcrafted steakburgers, all-beef footlongs and fresh guacamole made from scratch. get 24 meals for under four dollars.
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abc action news starts right now with breaking news. >> after nearly two days struggling to survive a music teacher hit by an alleged drunk driver died from her injuries at bayfront hospital tonight. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm wendy ryan. >> i'm >> this was the last update anyone wanted to make tonight to report caroline sine was taken off life support and tonight her boyfriend is still at that hospital in critical condition. prayers and an outpouring of support tonight on social media for caroline sine. late tonight sine's gofundme pain posting the sad news. caroline is in heaven now with her lord. police say a drunk driver critically injured sign and her
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sunday morning. sign who was driving suffered a severe head injury and did not have a pulse as first responders rushed her to the hospital. >> she's an amazing teacher. she always jumps in to do things on family nights, does amazing things with the kids in the classrooms. >> reporter: friends and co- workers held a prayer vigil today for sine at sexton elementary school where she thought music hoping she would pull through. >> she's a young lady and she was an excellent music teacher full of life for the kids and just a beautiful spirit. >> repte police say bryce mcleod ran a red light at park boulevard and 43rd street north and smashed into sine's camry. mcleod has a dui conviction from 2006. a judge raised mcleod's bond from 10 to $50,000 calling him a public threat. his attorney spoke to us after his court appearance. >> it's very unfortunate that this had to happen. i know mr. mcleod personally. i know he's very remorseful. >> reporter: pinellas park
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field sobriety test and refused a blood test. hankins suffered a laceration to the liver, head injury and broken bones to his back. mcleod's charges have been upgraded to dui manslaughter. police tell us they are holding a news conference tomorrow morning to discuss the new details of this case. live in the stewed io. the first travel-related case of zika in the united states, someone testing positive for the disease after visiting miami. we're hearing from several people inside the pulse nightclub and the survivors are talking about how they're trying to move forward in an mtv special called true life, we are orlando. >> you get connected to people. i feel like i know her, but i don't know him. >> those two men survived meeting for the very first time. 49 people died in the shooting and over 50 were hurt. many survivors say while they
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better, they still have a long where a to go in the healing process and talking to -- way to go in the healing process and talking to other survivors helps. >> we feel each other's pain. i know what you feel and other people don't know. >> no. we're here. we're alive, thank god. >> since meeting for this show angel and tony have been texting every day. friday angel posted big news to facebook, that he took his first steps since the attack. caught on camera a ft. myers mail carrier tossing mail in the trash. an angry restaurant owner sharing his security camera video. a ft. myers realtor telling us he paid thousands to mail the flyers that were just tossed in the dumpster. the postal inspector said agents are investigating. a cape coral man in jail tonight. last night christopher benitotos driving around drunk firing guns from his jeep.
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intoxicated he couldn't stand and refused a field sobriety test. detectives say they found a loaded rifle and pistol in his vehicle. it's alligator season in florida. the state's annual hunt starts today. florida fish and wildlife allowing permits to take two gators. more than 20,000 people in baton rouge have been rescued from severe flooding and more than 10,000 are living in shelters tonight. louisiana is under a state of emergency. a lot of folks don't realize that system brought us our rain last week. now things have quieted down for us after some pretty impressive storms along the coastline this afternoon and into this evening. here's a look at futurecast overnight. all is quiet. there might be a couple showers mid-morning tomorrow across our interior counties, but most of the area stays rain free at least until tomorrow afternoon.
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we'll let you know if we're talking about record breaking heat for the second straight day coming up. 15 detainees transferred out of guantanamo bay cuba making it the single largest transfer since president barack obama took office. the inmates including nationals from afghanistan, yemen and the united a arab -- authorities tonight say there were no tourists or residents involved in an attack in mexico where 10 people were kidnapped. some say they're for your safety and others say they're moneymakers. we're talking about red light cameras. in bradenton the city council has a tough decision to make. what may happen to the cameras there. >> reporter: here they are, these red light cameras up in bradenton for several years. now the question is whether
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you may or may not have noticed them at seven intersections in bradenton. >> it's going to help traffic safety in the long run. people run red lights and jumping the gun on the other direction. i mean you see traffic accidents all the time. >> reporter: while some people are for them, others don't see the benefit. >> it doesn't allow for like giving anyone the benefit of the doubt or there's no human element. >> reporter: the city of bradenton has had cameras for several years extending their contract once. it's up this week and the question is whether or not they'll renew their contract with xerox, a company based in colorado. >> i would hope that they would not renew the contract. i think it would be good to just get rid of the red light
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around the light, that is good, but other than that it is just money. >> reporter: the bradenton police department says accidents at these intersections have gone up, but they can't tell why that's happening, but they say accidents from people running red lights have gone down in the fast two years. >> i would say keep it. >> i think if an officer sees you, that's one thing, but that's like setting you up there. >> reporter: happens next. the red light camera program is up for discussion at the city council meeting that's going to be on wednesday at 8:30 in the morning. so it will be discussed sometime after that. >> thank you. st. pete police need your help finding this woman caught on camera cashing counterfeit checks at three suntrust banks in march. she's made off with more than $12,000. if you know who she is, please
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we're monitoring the situation in milwaukee where there have been two straight nights of protests following a deadly police shooting. the reason police think tonight may be more peaceful. a police officer going above and beyond the call of duty to help a young boy he found wandering the streets trying to sell his teddy bear, the heart breaking reason that boy needed that money. >> plus the one thing you're probably doing now that could make you sick. >> download the new abc action news app for your mobile and tablet. search abc action news in your
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right now people in milwaukee are under a 10 p.m. curfew in an effort to keep the city calm following two nights of violent protests. saturday police killed a young black man. sunday police released body camera video they say shows the man had a gun in his hand and turned towards the officer.
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slamming former mayor rudie guiliani for comments he made in a donald trump rally. >> by the way, in those eight years before obama came along we didn't have any successful radical terrorist attack in the united states. they all started when clinton and obama came into office. >> perhaps he forget guiliani was worst terrorist attack on u.s. soil when george w. bush was president. then clarification was tried to be made saying he was talking about the time after bush and before obama took office. another ideological test for immigrants to figure out their stances on issues like religious freedom, gender equality and gay rights. >> those who do not believe in
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bigotry and hatred will not be admitted for immigration into our country. >> trump outlined his new immigration policy, no visas for people coming from terror hotspots that can't be fully vetted. a mom and dad in ohio face five counts of child endangerment tonight after a police officer found their 7- year-old son trying to sell his teddy bear so he could buy food to eat. that officer finding the boy wandering on a busy street. that's when the bo had not eaten in several days. the officer took the child to eat something. >> it broke my heart. i would like to go home at the end of the day feeling like they've done something positive. >> when the officer took the boy home, he found his four older brothers living in deplorable conditions. they've all been moved to live with other family members. the parents are now ordered to have no contact with those boys. a new warning tonight for
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moms to be who take this active ingredient in high moll are more likely to have a hyperactive -- tylenol are more likely to have a hyperactive child and run the risk of having children with emotional or behavioral symptoms. the fda reviewed previous studies on prenatal use of this medication finding limitations in the design of those studies. bad news for those of us who sit down endlessly, which is most of us, right? the american heart association may lead to heart disease, diabetes and even death and that's even if you daily work out. experts say the problem is sitting for extended periods of time. what can you do? get up, walk to the water fountain or choose a distant restroom to use. do anything that will interrupt all that sitting with more moving. tsa reporting a record breaking week and it's not a good one, agents finding the most guns in carry-on bags in
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august 5th through the 11th. of those 68 were loaded. 21 had a round in the chamber. the previous record was 74 guns in may this year. we now know what caused a frightening scene in jfk airport in new york yesterday, passengers running for cover after they thought they heard gunfire. >> we got a call shots fired. have available strike teams head over to that location. >> armed officers sweeping the terminal, but now we're hearing there were no gunshots. instead celebration at one of the sports bars. people watching the olympics cheering for hussein bolt's third gold medal in the 100- meter. it took about three hours to get the airport back to normal. in rio seven people hurt today when a camera fell at olympic park, the olympic broadcasting network said cables holding the camera about 60 feet in the air snapped causing the accident. the injured fans were treated and should be okay. two chinese olympic divers
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the couple is engaged. the male bronze medalist proposed to his girl friend after she was awarded her silver medal while she was still on the podium. she says they've dated for six years, but she had no idea he was going to propose, especially at the olympics. look at this rescue caught on tape, first responders in connecticut rescuing this squirrel that got its head stuck in a paper cup. the video was posted to facebook showing the critter wildly jumpg air to try to -- and flipping in the air to try to get the cup off. the first time the squirrel hopped out of one of the officer's hands through the legs of another. on the second try an officer held the squirrel in a blanket while another got that cup off finally. look at these two unlikely friends in tennessee, a dog and duck. that's right. his owners say george the duck had been depressed since his canine pal passed away, but
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have changed. his owner said the big white duck has brought george peace and now the dog is starting to run and play again. right now it's not only louisiana dealing with flooding, parts of the midwest are waterlogged. workers at a st. louis doggy daycare are forced to evacuate due to rising floodwaters. some of the bigger pulls waded through the high water. nasa said last nt the earth's hottest month in recorded history saying july was 18 degrees hotter than the previous top temperatures in july of 2011 and july, 2015. scientists blame mostly manmade climate change from the burning of fossil fuels. >> hear that a lot lately, don't we? >> i feel like august was hotter than july. we only hit 95 today. >> the feel temperature is even worse. >> factor in humidity and it feels like 105, 110, but what
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two, some spectacular sunsets. check this out. we had thunderstorms just offshore and once around sunset mitzi sent this from pinellas county. this one is from andrew in northern pinellas. clar down south of clearwater -- char down south of clearwater. i love this one. it looks like that boat is on fire, but. just the sun through that cloud, beautiful shot. almost reminds me of the olympic torch. the rains have wound down and tomorrow will ramp back up again mid-afternoon, but in terms of coverage probably only about 30, maybe 35% of the area picking up any rain. right now that rain has moved offshore with temperatures as we mentioned on the hot side today. we hit the mid-90s across many areas, lutz 84, tampa 85,
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in sarasota, 95 in tampa. outside now skies are mostly clear, tampa 85 degrees, clearwater 82, st. pete 80 degrees. we're not going to see a lot of change the next several days. so that means your mornings you're good to go. whatever you have planned outdoors at least until about 2:00, you've got nothing to worry about except for the heat, of course. drink lots of water. we'll be around night degrees by lunchtime. look at futuca through 11:00. maybe eastern sections of polk county by lunchtime could pick up an isolated shower or storm because that's the way the winds are coming from. everything is coming from the east speed of the state. so it takes late afternoon early evening to make it to the beach. if you live east of i-75, you might see something by noon, 1:00, but the bulk of our viewing area won't see anything until late afternoon, early evening. the reason i think our coverage is lower the next few days is we've got less moisture to work
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east wind means everything is mid- to late afternoon and out of here early evening, by wednesday morning the same thing, dry start, upper 70s. normally we should end at about 90 degrees. that's where we are until the storms develop. this is 4:00. by 4:00 we're seeing rain along the coast and by 7:00 or 8:00 it's gone with the exception of maybe an isolated shower or two. you can't necessarily say all the evening will be a washout, but if you need something done outdoors, the mo early afternoon is the way to do it. when you get home from work in the afternoon, most folks should still have dry conditions. now let's talk tropics because we're getting into the time of the year. we're right about there on the scale. obviously we're on the way up. typically we peak september 10th, 11th in the atlantic. there's a bit of an uptick in the gulf usually in mid- october. why are we talking about this? we've got one and earlier today
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development. then it went up to 50. now it's up to 70% likelihood this will turn into a tropical depression or tropical storm. its name would be fiona. there's the latest winds of 30 miles an hour. this will run into a ton of negative atmospheric conditions, in other words, i think it fizzles out in the central atlantic, but there's two behind it. i think the second one may very well pose an issue for somebody, whether it's the caribbean or u.s. down the out, something to keep in the back of your mind. there's your hour by hour forecast up to the overnight. skies are clear to partly cloudy. you'll wake up to upper 70s. it's going to be dry through midmorning and if you're heading to the beach tomorrow, lucky enough to have the day off, beautiful, sunny skies, low 90 knows, dry until about 4:30, 5:00. then i think the rains begin to pop along the beach. there's florida's most accurate seven-day forecast.
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then i think we go 30 to 40% come thursday as that limited moisture sweeps through the area. either way no changes through the afternoon highs, back in the low 90s. that continues right through the weekend. will myers makes his return to the trop, a less than average night for the former ray and a loss for the padres. tk has the highlights next in
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y22pvy yy6y you may be too late to save this season, but if the rays can keep the pitching up and some power at the plate, there might be something to build on for next season. drew smyly had another good start and gets another win. logan forsythe brought some po wanted to see all season. he belts a two-run homer in the 2nd inning that got the rays going and the rays broke the game open in the 8th with a five-run inning. kevin kiermaier with a three- run homer and rays win the first of three, final 8-2. he was one of the rawest offensive linemen to ever set foot in one buc. an undrafted free agent with a basketball pedigree. when you're 6' 9, 300 pounds and can move, why not at least
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look. for dotson the stay lasted longer and today he signed the biggest professional deal of his career, a three year contract extension worth sex teen .5 million. john sable has more. >> reporter: jameer thompson was a model of consistency starting in almost every game as right tackle for the bucs but then came his acl tear in his left knee for the first preseason game in minn contract extension then. >> when i got hurt, i knew i wouldn't get it. so i got it out of my mind. it allowed me to focus on my rehab and get myself back that i'm worth the contract. >> he's as you guys know, one of the good guys, one of the great guys. he's been a cornerstone player for us. >> reporter: thompson returned last november playing six of
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possibility of never receiving a contract extension was in the back of his mind. >> you're not going to get it or you see other guys getting it and when your time will come, but like i said, just it kept me humble. >> reporter: that outlook and focus has paid off now for dotson and now with him signed the next four years the move preenforces the line around winston as they -- reenforces the line around winston as they work towards their first playoff appearance since 2007. takes, a good head coach and good franchise quarterback. i think we got everything it takes to make quarterbacks. >> reporter: reporting at one buc, john sable, abc action sports. the jacksonville jaguars informed us combined practices this week between the bucs and jags are at capacity. if you're thinking of heading up and haven't registered, you'll get turned away. now this is the final week of the olympics in rio. for the seniors in michigan
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competitors is this guy, fred winter. fred is 101 years old. he runs the 50 meters and 100- meter dash. winter says despite his age he's in fine shape. fred hopes to make it to the senior games in birmingham, alabama. way to go. unfortunately not a good day for u.s. gymnast simone biles, no gold in the balance beam today. she took bronze, but the united states as you can see a commanding lead in the medal >> closed captioning is brought to you by lakeland toyota, save
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most everybody is back in school now and waking up to a lot of sunshine. i think on the way home especially if you're staying late for school, there could be some storms especially east of i-75. they come back to the coast
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heat is the afternoon high, 91, 95, feels like 105 and above. >> all that humidity, so sticky. continuing coverage on our top stories on our website. head over to >> have a good night! we'll see you back here
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- chris pine. the bachelorette jojo and fiance jordan. the finale of "the baby bachelorette." and music from kelsea ballerini. with cleto and the cletones. and now, hold on -- here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ? >> jimmy: very nice. hi, everybody. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching.


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